Mercoledì 7 novembre l'esperienza cooperativa italiana è stata protagonista di un focus della conferenza internazionale dell'European Federation of Living, EFL Autumn Conference, "Future housing challenges for European cities. Strategies for inclusive urban transformation", organizzata a Milano in partnerhip con Fondazione Housing Sociale (FHS) in partnership con la Fondazione e l’Ordine degli Architetti di Milano.
Nella tavola rotonda di fine mattinata, moderata da Helen Wilson e Giordana Ferri di FHS, sono intervenuti
Alessandro Maggioni, presidente di Confcooperative Habitat, Luca Talluri di Federcasa e Rossana Zaccariadi Legacoop Abitanti. Ecco l'intervento di Alessandro Maggioni.
Good morning.
First of all, thank you for inviting me to be part of this important initiative. Before I begin,I would also like to apologise for my English; I don’t use it much, so I struggle to be fluent. To make things worse, I’m a little traumatised,
because every time I read something in English to my wife, she says: “Alessandro, I can’t understand a word you’re saying!”.
Confcooperative Habitat is the Confcooperative Organization which represents the Cooperatives operating in the housing and urban sectors. At the National Assembly held on the 20 th of June, 2018, we changed our name from Federabitazione to Confcooperative Habitat. We did this in order to promote a cultural transformation within our Organization. To embrace a completely new way of thinking a new identity following the approval of the Habitat Charter.
In my introduction, I would like to mention some of the most significant data concerning our sector.
The crisis has had a serious impact, and in the past few years the number of companies active in our sector has drastically decreased.
2017 Numbers
- Subscribers (units): 1.287
- Members (unit): 75.200
- Turnover (millions euros): 390
- Share capital 2017 (millions euros): 48
- Invested capital of 2017 (millions euros): 3.500
The picture that emerges is of a polarised system, mostly concentrated in three regions.
78% of the production value is generated in 3 Regions (Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, and Emilia Romagna). Lombardy alone holds 58% of the value of aggregate production realizes by the system of active cooperatives belonging to Confcooperative Habitat.
For all these reasons, after having approved a Draconian “mutual rating” system a basic set of rules for member coops we have adopted the Habitat Charter. The Habitat Charter conceived by Giancarlo Consonni and approved by the National Assembly of 20 June, is the document of the refoundation of our Association, which will accompany the cooperative development projects in the collective dimension of living in the condominium space, in the urban district.
The Habitat Charter
- Polis, politics and habitat: bound by close ties.
- Promoting the art of inhabiting. A cultural project on living decency.
- Pursuing a new pact among generations.
- City-building in the era of the metropolis.
- Placing urbanity at the centre of relations between housing and context.
- Restoring the central role of inhabitation.
- Arming cities with civil cohabitation.
- Healing the reproductive capacity of land
- Enhancing the inclusive propensity of the city
- Renewing the balance between duty and gift through civil beauty
These changes open up two courses of action:
The first: Common Housing: these are cooperative initiatives which are also addressed to the free market and to home ownership.
Common Housing aims to develop housing alternatives based on a high content of shared living areas and functions.
Common Housing focuses its efforts on the densification of consolidated urban textures, on the democratization of the home and of its processes, and aims to build a “3.0 cooperation”.
Common Housing offers much more than the simple development of homes: a holistic approach to housing, based on sharing, cohabitation and collaboration, translated into physical environments and their production processes. The second course of action Community Cooperatives and inner regions: initiatives aimed at organising communities of residents to regenerate locations and economies n the inner regions of Italy, especially in the Centre and South of the country.
So, we are on our way towards a new form of mutualism, built on ancient and solid foundations.
Thank You for your attention!